Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Tuesday was spent mainly on the bus on our way to Merida. We arrived in the "cultural center of Mexico" at around 4:30 after an 8am departure. Long day. Had chicken tacos and fresh papaya juice for dinner and then wandered around the zocalo for a bit. Also hit up the Internet and had a 15 peso mango margarita at a place called Maya Pub. In the zocalo, there were all sorts of hippies and tramps selling their art and wares. There was a girl reading poetry and a clown and a really great drum circle. I sipped a peppermint tea and looked and listened and felt so incredibly happy and comfortable and content in the most surprising way. It was that comfortably uncomfortable feeling that I had decided to search for two Octobers ago. I wanted to dance and just explode but my tea was at the perfect temperature so I stood and listened and sipped and danced on the inside. All I could think was "Life is good."
So good.

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