Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Just wanted to make a quick update as to where I´m at etc. Sorry I haven´t updated in a while but I promise it´s only because I´ve been so busy and happy &etc.

So I am in Costa Rica now. My Costa Rican family picked me up from the airport, and I quite literally cried when saw their shining faces at the arrivals gate. It is so surreal that I´m back here and that they care about me so much after only knowing me for 2 weeks 2 and a half years ago. We drove through San Jose and then up through the mountains. There is this one mountain that separates San Jose from the South West section of the country and... as far as i can understand my spanish host dad, it´s called death mountain. It´s freaking huge. Oh, and i can see it from my backyard.

The house is exactly the same as i remember it except this time they have a dog! it´s this awful pit bull/ midget dog mix and he is so adorable. i don´t know how to spell his name... and i usually just call him Perro anyways. I have my own room (my little brother´s room). My mom is still as good a cook as ever (My real mom is an amazing cook to, the cuisine is just more desireable here... more carby and cheesy and DELICUS as fabian says). However, the whole family has become more health concious since i was here last, which is good too.

The final days of Guatemala were some of the most bittersweet of my life. I tried very hard to soak it all in. The community itself is so inspiring, i learned more and more about their story and their strugles the further i got into the project. We ended up finishing 1137 bug traps, which is phenomenal. The traps that we put out have been checked and they already have bugs in them which means they´re working. Since the farm is struggling to be identified as an organic farm, the bug traps are crucial to the coffee plants.

I played a couple of games of futbol (soccer) in the final 3 weeks, and it was so much fun. I generally got my ass kicked (i have the bumps and bruises to prove it) but its SO much more fun getting you ass kicked at soccer by a guatemalan than a......stouffvillian.

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